Preserved by Freeze Drying – Nattfru’s range of easy-to-prepare juices come to you Freeze Dried. Freeze Drying is a process undertaken with the goal of extending the shelf life of the fruit by preserving its goodness, freshness, purity, nutrients, and all its perishable components.
Keeps Hypertension in Check – Phalsa juice proves to be astronomical in bringing down blood pressure when it is raised much above the normal range, thanks to the presence of minerals potassium and phosphorous, preventing the clogging of cholesterol in blood vessels, heart diseases, heart attack and cardiac arrests.
Breather Better, Feel Lively – Phalsa juice helps in increasing your immunity and in curing your respiratory problems. Daily consumption can help you breathe better.
Easy-to-Carry & Easy-to-Prepare – Now carry the health and nutrition with you, everywhere you go. And wherever you go, all you need to do is add water to enjoy the nutritional richness of our juices.
Seasonal Goodness All Year Long – You don’t need to wait for a season to be able to enjoy your favourite fruit juice. Nattfru brings to you goodness of Seasonal fruits, with their nutrients and purity intact, just like the nature has provided us.