Wheat grass
Nutritional Facts about Wheat grass juice
Wheat grass facts
- Let discuss Nutritional Facts about Wheat grass juice
- Wheat grass is a grass that is closely related to wheat.
- It is the sprouted portion of the wheat plant.
- It is thick, dry grass that looks like hay or straw.
- Also known as Super food and is used for the treatment of numerous health problems.
- Is packed with powerful combination of nutrients that make it extremely useful to health.
- Has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Wheat grass juice powder is available in powder to ready to make it at home.
Nutritional Facts about Wheat grass juice
- Though low in calories, wheat grass is a good source of protein.
- It is an excellent source of fiber, which can help reduce blood glucose.
- Is a good source of vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese.
- Has played a role on natural and holistic medicine for generation.
- It is loaded with a high amount of nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and fiber.
Nutrients | Nutritional Value |
Energy | 120 Cal |
Calories | 21 Cal |
Carbohydrate | 2 gm |
Dietary Fiber | 8 gm |
Protein | 8 gm |
Vitamin C | 1 mg |
Vitamin A | 2.4 mg |
Iron | 0.61 mg |
Calcium | 7.2 mg |
Magnesium | 8 mg |
Phosphorous | 21 mg |
Potassium | 42 mg |
Health Benefits
- Eliminate toxins
- Help with digestion
- Boost your metabolism
- Lower your cholesterol
- Boost your immune system
- Give you energy
- Lower your blood pressure
- Improve cognitive function
- Help with diabetes
- Help with arthritis
- Promotes weight loss
- Acts as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
- Cancer prevention and treatment
- Fight infections
- Treat gastrointestinal distress
- Control Obesity

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Nutritional Facts about Wheat grass juice
Nutritional Facts about Wheat grass juice has high amount of nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and fiber.
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