Nutritional facts about Muskmelon Juice
Facts about Muskmelon
- Muskmelon is a stunning yellow colored fruit having a pleasant aroma and tempting sweetness.
- Nutritional facts about Muskmelon Juice is that it is a rich source of Vitamin A and C.
- It is cultivated on the ground surface as a trailing vine.
- This fruit has a round shape, a soft consistency and a juice texture with a sweet musky aroma.
- The hollow cavity in the middle contains small off-white colored seeds.
- An average sized muskmelon contains just 100 calories.
- They also contain a large volume of water (about 90 percent).
Nutritional facts about Muskmelon Juice
Nutritional composition in a 100gm of Muskmelon:-
Water – 89.7gm
Energy – 35Kcal
Protein – 0.88gm
Lipid – 0.28gm
Carbohydrate – 8.36gm
Dietary Fibre – 0.8gm
Vitamin C – 42.2
Calcium – 11mg
Iron – 0.21mg
Health Benefits of Muskmelon Juice
- Strengthen immune system
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Can help prevent cancer
- Treats Insomnia
- Helps in Weightloss
- Beneficial for lungs
- Cure toothache
- Promotes Digestion
- Treats Arthritis
- Combats Stress

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Nutritional facts about Muskmelon Juice
Nutritional facts about Muskmelon Juice is that it is rich in Vitamin A and C. It is a yellow colored fruit having a pleasant aroma and tempting sweetness.
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