Nutritional Facts about Jamun Juice
Nutritional Facts about Jamun Juice
This article is about Nutritional Facts about Jamun Juice. Jamun is an Indian evergreen tree-producing small to large fruits. These are also called as java plum or Black plum depending on geographical location. This fruit commonly cultivated in Asia, South America, and the USA. Jamun Juice also considered as a powerful natural beneficial drink worldwide.
Nutrition Values of Jamun Juice
It offers 60-75 calories per cup. Containing high fiber and proteins but, little fat and no cholesterol.
It has Vitamin (A, C, E and B6). Other ingredients include antioxidants and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous).
Nutrients | Nutritional Value |
Water | 83.13 gm |
Energy | 60 Kcal |
Protein | 0.72 gm |
Fat | 0.23 gm |
Carbohydrate | 15.56 gm |
Calcium | 19 mg |
Iron | 0.19 mg |
Magnesium | 15 mg |
Phosphorous | 17 mg |
Potassium | 79 mg |
Sodium | 14 mg |
Vitamin C | 14.3 mg |
Health Benefits of Jamun Juice
- Improve the appearance of skin by reducing oxidation stress and lowering inflammation levels.
- Reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks.
- Increase the strength of immune system.
- Maintain healthy circulation and delivery of oxygen.
- Helps in Weight loss
- Fights Cancer
- Used as a treatment for diabetes in Ayurveda medicine.
- Treat digestive disorders like diarrhea, vomiting and irritable bowel syndrome.
- Good for eyesight
Benefits of Jamun
- Low in calories
- Rich in fiber
- Loaded with Vitamin C
- High on Iron

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Nutritional Facts about Jamun Juice
Jamun is an Indian evergreen tree-producing small to large fruits. It offers 60-75 calories per cup. Containing little fat and no cholesterol.
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